courtesy of PostSecret
First off, this is not my secret. Although it very possibly could be, I love to do lists. It doesn't match though... see what I do is put a lot of little stuff on my to do list so it looks like I have this huge list that I've triumphed over. All those check marks make me feel accomplished. And vindicated somehow. I don't know, maybe it's the stay at home wife thing. My husband makes decent money and I am able to do this. Plus it costs a small fortune to put our youngest, who's three, into daycare. And I just can't see anyone else getting the joy of staying with her all day when I can. I get to. Kaitlyn is just plain awesome, she's funny, smart, and teeters between compassionate and brat. But sometimes, I feel guilty for not bringing in any dough. It's all on him, he's got the pressure to keep his job and keep his hours up so we can have money to pay the necessities of life. So he'll come home and tell me about what all he had to do that day. And I'll say something like, "I know - you should see the to do list I finished today." It's on the computer I have proof! =) Like me checking off individual bullets of...
- take shower
- fix hair
- get dressed
- put on makeup
...is even remotely the same as him out there busting his chops doing physical labor every day. I'm forever grateful to my husband. He is... the best husband I could have ever imagined being lucky enough to know, let alone be mine! Jin's got one of those too - Jeremy is pretty freakin' cool. And from what I hear, treats her like a princess. But honestly, out of everyone I've ever known... it's just him that I actually know can compare to Jeff. Which is kind of sad, all these people I've met in my life time and it's only one set of friends where the husband isn't a jackass? Hmmph. Anyway, I'm going to eat the orange chicken and cilantro lime rice I made for dinner... I know, you're jealous!
You know, I sort of thought of you when I saw that secret. lol. You and your lists. So organized.
I'm the 'make a list and then never refer to it again'. For me, its more to get it all out of my head.
And thanks for the great hubby shout out. We are two lucky girls!
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