My steal of a deal!
I found this most adorable sweater dress at JCPenney's this weekend. They were having some unbelievable sales on their winter clothing and Ashlyn's never had a great winter wardrobe before. So I decided to get it started. My friend Crystal was with me and she pointed out how cute this was. I had never noticed it till she pointed it out. Then I couldn't live without it for Ashlyn.

HAD to get these to go with the dress!
I couldn't necessarily let her wear tennis shoes with this adorable dress and she didn't have any brown dress shoes... So off of my now-realized-shopaholic friend Crystal's recommendation, I went to Burlington Coat Factory to find some shoes. And that's when I ran across these cool-ass boots, I mean check out the cool fuzzy tassles hanging off. She's gonna be so posh!

Aren't they the most awesomest boots ever? As Kaitlyn would say
"Oooooooh, dat's so tute!!!!"
They were the last ones in that color and they happened to be her size. Fate! (sing-song voice - Fay-ate) They had a pink, but looking at them in the box already looking dingy, I just knew the dark brown was perfect for her and for the whole ensemble. The cost of these boots were not outrageous, but they did cost more then what I typically spend on my own shoes! But she HAD to have them.

And then I HAD to buy stuff to go underneath it...
She'll be wearing it in the winter, she'll need her legs and arms covered!
So, Hello! It's a sweater dress, she won't be wearing it in the summer, she'll be wearing it in the winter. The harsh Texas winter in San Antonio. There are freak blizzards that might happen so the rest of her arms and legs HAVE to be covered up as well. So I decided to go hunting for the perfect undergarments, dragging my husband store to store as I went along. Two different colored tights and three different shirts later and we have an outfit that's able to be worn six different ways. And my steal of a deal? Ended up costing me about $60. Sigh, it was so worth it!
That is really cute; love the boots!
Funny, I drag my hubby around from store to store too, thankfully he doesn't complain. :)
Oh, and if you don't read replies on blog comments, I usually use Picnik to edit my photos. I like them best.
I love Picnik! Kim, get yourself over to picnik.com right away. Super cool and super free.
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