I would post pictures of Boy Scout stuff too, but I haven't bought it yet. Next Friday.
So I put Cameron into Boy Scouts and Ashlyn into Girl Scouts. I also signed up to be a troop leader for the Girl Scouts, which is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I've taken the orientation as many of you know. I've also been able to find a co-leader that thankfully, is as excited and motivated as I am for this year to be just plain out awesome! All I'm waiting on is my girls' information from the main office so I can start calling and emailing about our first troop meeting. I won't lie, I'm extremely nervous about it. As cool as I think all this is and as much as Ashlyn's done with the Girl Scouts, I really don't feel like I know what I'm doing. I'm hoping it doesn't show up to much. I'm constantly wondering if the parents are going to be helpful, or if they're going to encourage their girls to be active in the organization. Stefani and I, we have big plans. Community service, earning countless try-its, fundraisers such as the nuts and the cookies, outings and activities, camping - all of it! By the way, if you need cookies this year, you best hit ME up! =)
So we met up this afternoon to go over everything we would have to do during our first meeting with the girls and the parents. After that was done, my family quickly ate dinner and then headed on over the den mother's house for the Boy Scouts, or actually - Cub Scouts. I decided to become a committee member to help out however I could there too. We start going over ideas, I didn't contribute that much. I was, however, able to donate some supplies that were needed and some time this weekend for the big popcorn sale. By the way, if you need popcorn this year, you best hit ME up! =)
We started to go over dates for all the different camping trips and activities we want to do this year. That's when I started to realize that all the dates sounded very familiar... Well wait, I can't go to that because of something with the Girl Scouts. Uh.... nope, I'll be somewhere else camping that weekend. Yeah, no, unfortunately - I'm booked that weekend in February. February? Seriously? Already booked for a weekend in freakin' February?!? I'm asking myself these questions folks. Whatever happened to - I'm wide open, you tell me when I can guarantee I'll be there. I've got weekends booked for the next four months. Life wasn't like that not two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, it was easy peasy pumpkin pie. (Yes, my stupid little hick sayings are all over the place today.)
Did I ever tell you guys about the time I made the most hick statement of all time? I was on the phone with an old friend from Arizona... and I guess I had been watching to many westerns that day because for some reason my accent was real thick that day. She was poking fun at my 'i's all long and drawn out. Then she asked me if I knew about someone and such and such and that's when I said it. Just plain as day, no thought to it, it came out as naturally as me saying 'My name is Kim.' I said, "Well, you can fill a ten gallon hat with the stuff I don't know."
Oh my God.
Who says that? Who, besides some ditzy brothel girl in a bad western movie, says that? Yup. Anyway, I need to go finish folding some laundry and then researching what I'll need to do for the girls' first try-it.
1 comment:
I just finished being a Girl Scout leader. Council asked me to sign on as a trainer, but I don't see that happening, at least not right now, I'm too busy.
I will be hosting two sessions at the upcoming November Leader Workshop, though. That's when we take a whole Saturday and cover everything from ceremonies to songs and games for the leaders in our Vista. If you want to drive to Oregon, you'd be welcome to attend. :)
I have had Girl Scout troops for ten years and had Cub Scout dens in the four years before that. There are no big secrets, most of the time the kids are just really, really happy to be there.
If you need links or a person to help you with ideas, feel free to email me. Contact info is at my blog.
I think you'll do fine. Really.
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