September 4, 2008

School Fundraiser

"I've got a big, white envelope in my backpack and I want the robot prize!"

That was my first hint that the rest of my day wouldn't be good when I went to pick up the kids from school.  I hate fundraisers, I think it's tacky to ask people to buy the stuff and unsafe to go door to door (Well maybe if he went by himself.  But since I'm to lazy to walk with him, he would be going all by himself, thus the action being unsafe).  But, I remember when I was a kid and wanted those elusive prizes on the back page of the prize sheet.  So, I'm going to help as much as I can this year.  

Basically, I'm going to whore out my kid's fundraiser to try and get him that big robot prize. So.... here is the link to the website that you can order from and have these things sent directly to your home.  For all you San Angelo/San Antonio folk, if you want refrigerated items like scrumptious chocolate chunk cookie dough or a delectable peanut butter cup cheese cake, just let me know and I'll deliver it to you personally.  You cannot get those items off the website.

For everyone else, help as much as you can - and if you need help with your kids fundraiser, by all means, forward it on!

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