September 11, 2008

Waterfall Picture

One of the waterfalls at La Cantera Mall

I'm still loving my camera.  People look at me like I'm nuts for bringing it out sometimes - family included.  I have a lot of fun finding a good angle for a picture and seeing how it comes out.  As one of my favorite smilies says on one of the forums I frequent, get your geek on!  I didn't do any work to this one (i.e. photoshop).  It's actually just a really pretty mall with some great paths to it.  

I don't have a lot to post lately.  Or actually, I guess I do and I've been struggling on what to write about.  I'm worried about family in Houston who are in the path of a Hurricane this week.  I'm frustrated with one my children's problems at school.  Myself, I've just had a pretty plain week, which is a welcomed thing.  

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